How is everyone else doing with sticking to their New Years resolutions and promises then? Hopefully as bad as me – it would make me feel a bit better!
Love and Life.
My boyfriend and I are still as strong as ever, thankfully. Getting ready to move in with him in a couple of months is a little bit scary though. We live together now, but it doesn’t really feel like we do – university accommodation does that to you, I suppose. I’m really excited though. I read The Time Traveller’s Wife last month as well – it was much longer than I expected, but I enjoyed it a lot – the film isn’t as good but it still made me cry. Toxic friends? The less I talk about that the better. And blogging more? Well that didn’t work out very well when I started back at uni!
Those of you who flick back to my last post through the tags will notice that this is exactly the same as last month – still only £100. Starting back at university has been a little bit expensive this month – textbooks to buy and pubs to visit. Hopefully next month I can get back on track! I’m still spending a lot of money I shouldn’t be – but I’m getting better! Much better.
So far I’ve been to all but two of my lectures this semester. I think I’ve had about 25 or so though, so it’s pretty good. The two I missed were an introductory lecture and then one which I already knew about the subject matter. I’ve also been trying to take better notes, though I still have a lot to catch up on. I’ve got two essay’s to do this semester – one for a week on Wednesday and then one for the middle of April. I’m going to do the shorter one this week and then try and get the April due essay done before the mid-semester break at the start of April.
Nails are still being bitten. It’s not nice. I’m going to have to really try to get this habit sorted. I just haven’t had time to reapply the nail varnish I use that stops me from biting for a while. As sad as an excuse as that sounds. I’ve also tried to start eating better – in fact, I think today I actually had at least 4 of my 5 a day (though learning that the Japanese Government recommends their citizens eat 12 or 13 a day has made me feel terrible).
So on the whole… not going brilliantly. But I’m still toddling along. Slowly but surely.