I only have one find this week and wish I had been able to write about it last week like I had initially planned, but I guess better late than never!
Learn through lists! I stumbled across Smart.fm by accident one day, watching YouTube videos about a girl who taught her viewers odd and weird phrases in Japanese. She claimed that she learned Japanese through using lists and I had a look and I was shocked. By using the pop-out software (no downloads) on the website, specifically it’s signature program iKnow, you can take a list of anything and learn it quickly and easily – be it another language or the moons of Jupiter! If there’s not already a list there then you can make you own.
With university starting back up for everyone in a few weeks, I though this little known website would be a massive help – need to know details of ten cases for law? Use this! You can enter the name of the case, a brief description and then a fuller one.
I can’t really describe how it helps you to learn very well, but it uses mini quizzes and fill in the blanks, among other things to help your mind recall the correct answer.
I’d never spoken French before in my life (I did German at school), but after only ten minutes I can now say, read and write the numbers from zero to twenty! Give it a go, you know you want to!
I hope everyone’s well and you all have a good weekend!
Definitely checking this out. Thanks for the link!